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Friday, May 22, 2009

Essential, Real-Life Ministries

Dear Parish Faithful,

Christ is Risen!

Last Sunday evening, Presvytera Deborah and I were invited to the Warren Correctional Institute by Terry Morgan and Dan Georgescu, to attend a graduation ceremony for the Kairos Weekend Program, also known as a short course in "Practical Christian Living." This was an intense course that lasted from Thursday - Sunday on the grounds of the WCI. Many prisoners may know of Christian teaching, but this program is meant to assist them in taking a much deeper look at the Gospel, to embrace Christ and to seek the forgiveness and grace of God. We heard from some of those who did so at the graduation ceremony on Sunday evening. Articulate or inarticulate, their personal witnesses were all moving. We also heard a good solid talk by the prison warden, Wanda Jackson. While there, we noticed at least one of our posters prepared by our Church School students. This one had recognizable Orthodox crosses and the Jesus Prayer written on it.

Terry's role through the weekend was that of "table clergy," and Dan was a "table servant." Nicholas Georgescu volunteered to be a cook and his contribution was greatly appreciated. Also with us were Bernice Morgan and Cristiana Georgescu. Just this briefest of encounters with the atmosphere of the WCI impressed upon us the great challenges and difficulties of a prison ministry.

We deeply appreciate the efforts of both Terry and Dan in taking on this most difficult of ministries as they represent authentic Orthodox Christianity and our parish at the WCI. May God continue to bless their ongoing work. Let us all keep them in our prayers. Coincidentally, if you go to www.scoba.us you will find an encyclical statement from the Standing Conference of Orthodox Bishops in America (SCOBA) on Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday, designated for this coming Sunday, May 24.

Our appeal for sponsorship of the senoritas at the Hogar in Guatemala received a tremendous response already, and thirteen of the fourteen senoritas are now covered for receiving a special gift from our parish faithful! We deeply appreciate the commitment and concern - together with the generosity - of our sponsors. May God bless your efforts. I am hoping that someone will agree to sponsor one last senorita. Please get back with me if you choose to do so.

We will continue to receive monetary donations for the Hogar on the next two Sundays with a basket by the Cross. There is also a list of other items requested by the Hogar in case someone would like to make a donation from that list. That list has been sent out, but please let me know if you would like to see it again.

These developing, expanding and essential ministries to prisoners (MATT. 25:31-46) and to "abandoned, abused and orphaned children" (DEUT. 24:17, 21; JM. 1:27) are a deeply encouraging sign of spiritual maturity within the parish. It is the application of Gospel principles to real-life situations and needs. I hope our parish circle of participants will continue to grow. And may the Lord continue to bless and strengthen our endeavors.

Fr. Steven