Welcome to our relaunched Q&A Blog, featuring Questions and Answers about the Orthodox Christian Church, its teachings, beliefs and practices, how it views and interacts with modern (or rather, post-modern) culture, other Christian confessions, non-Christian religions, cults, etc.
To submit a question to Fr. Steven Kostoff, please visit our web form on our parish website.

Friday, June 5, 2009

On Questioning our Faith

Dear Parish Faithful,

I received some interesting responses to Thursday's Theological Thoughts dealing with a new DVD that is anti-Christian in inspiration. Thought to share a couple of them, beginning with this one from Jennifer Haynes.

Fr Steven


Isn't it true that many Christians do not develop a healthy form of questioning their faith? Some were raised in the faith and perhaps the thought of questioning their faith creates a sense of unhealthy guilt?

What I mean by this Father, is for instance:

In my first philosophy class the absolute first topic we discussed and studied was the existence of God. We read apologists as well as critics (those who took the opposite view). Our teacher asked these questions to get a debate going: Does God exist? What about the problem of evil in the world? What are God's attributes? Would an all-loving and all-knowing God allow evil to take place?

A 1/4 of the class were raised with very strong Christian beliefs and absolutely refused to question their faith. The answer was "of course God exists. The Bible tells us so." The other 1/4 class disagreed. The other 1/4 remained open to asking ourselves these questions & listen. And of course - the other 1/4 was just not interested.

Have a wonderful weekend Father Steve & we will see you on Sunday,
