I have received a fair share of responses to yesterday's meditation concerning the effect on women of having an abortion. Here is an interesting one from Marian Davis that I would like to share with you.
Fr Steven
Fr Steven,
I am glad to read these kinds of truths rather than the political rhetoric that constitutes the "abortion discussion" for the most part. Though I have known several to many women who have chosen to have abortions over the years, never have I known someone who fit the popular "convenience" explanation. Desperate, alone, young and lacking in life experience and problem solving skills, no means of self support (scarier for middle class young women), intense pressure form parents, boyfriends and even husbands, yes.
During a discussion of these issues long ago, when I was a student at YDS, I remember a wise comment made by a Buddhist woman. She said she didn't OPPOSE abortion, she just winced at the choice because of its inevitable consequences for all. One doesn't, she said, step into the River of Life and choose to move against the current without harming oneself in fundamental ways...As the article suggests, she saw abortion as an illusory solution whose inevitable consequences would unfold in time, most intimately in the heart, soul, life of the woman...It harms men too--but they are less likely to notice.
Marian Davis